Xingde Li, PHD

Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Specialization: Neurophotonics


Department of Biomedical Engineering

Johns Hopkins University

720 Rutland Ave, Traylor 710

Baltimore, MD 21205 USA


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My research interest centers on development of cutting-edge and translational biophotonics technologies that interface and bridge basic engineering research and medical diagnosis and intervention.

Related to the mission of Kavli NDI, my research focuses on development of (1) novel neurophotonics technology for neuroimaging on freely-behaving animals, and (2) translational biophotonics technology for the intra-operative guidance of brain cancer surgery and deep lesion treatment. 
More broadly, the research in my group centers around developing optically based diagnostic technology for detecting diseases at early stages, monitoring treatment outcomes, and guiding interventions. Training in my group involves the vertical integration of optics, electrical engineering, micro-nano technology, animal model, phase 0 clinical study, and mega data analysis etc.
Check out my group website for details. 