Kavli Institutes. Image credit: Natasha K. Hussain

The Kavli Foundation

The core mission of the Kavli NDI at Johns Hopkins is to provide the support and infrastructure to forge new interactions among biologists, engineers, and data scientists to bridge the gaps in neuroscience knowledge gained from analysis of the structure and function of the brain at different scales.

The Kavli Foundation is based in Oxnard, California, USA.


    • The Foundation's mission is implemented through their support of an international community of research institutes that together seek to answer some of humanity’s most fundamental scientific questions while contributing to basic knowledge for a better future for our global community. 

      The Kavli NDI (Star) is advancing a global focus on brain research and joins an international community of Institutes supported by the Kavli Foundation (TKF). The Kavli Foundation supports: neuroscience (White Circle, 1-7), astrophysics (Red Circle, 8-13), nanoscience (Orange Circle, 14-18), and theoretical physics (White Circle, 19-20)

  • Kavli Foundation Science
    Spotlights & Newsletter

    • The Kavli Foundation e-newsletter includes feature stories, roundtable discussions about science, and the latest news from the Kavli community of Institutes, professors and programs. To receive emailed news and updates from The Kavli Foundation, join here:


      Kavli Science Spotlights feature stories, videos and in-depth interviews with leading researchers. Read them here.

  • The Kavli Prize

    • The Kavli Prize – a partnership between the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the Kavli Foundation, and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research – recognizes excellence in research in three areas: astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience. Each Prize consists of a medal, scroll, and financial award of one million dollars. For more information see the Kavli Prize.


  • Kavli Foundation
    Supported Fields of Inquiry
